Redesign of MoonSoar Services’ Website

You know that famous saying about the cobbler’s kids having no shoes? Well, it seems like that saying became a reality for our website. As a company specializing in website design and development, we were so focused on our clients’ projects that we neglected our own website. However, over the past six months, we’ve dedicated our free time to revamping, redesigning, and relaunching our very own website.

I’m thrilled to announce that we have finally completed (or should I say reached a point of satisfaction?) our redesigned website. In this latest iteration, we made it a priority to streamline our offerings, enhance user-friendliness, and give the website a fresh look with updated colors and fonts. Personally, I couldn’t be more delighted with the result of our hard work and the website we have now unveiled.

New Feature – accessiBe

Allow me to introduce you to a new feature we’ve incorporated into our website—a partnership with accessiBe. While we have always been committed to creating accessible websites, ensuring ongoing accessibility for our clients proved challenging. In the past, maintaining the level of accessibility we implemented during the website’s development required manual intervention. However, this is no longer a concern for our clients who choose to sign up with accessiBe—a remarkable software company that has developed a widget capable of solving accessibility issues.

If you take a glance at the bottom left-hand corner of our site, you’ll notice a green widget featuring an icon of a person in a wheelchair. By clicking on this widget, a dialogue box will expand, allowing you to adjust various settings and make our website more accessible for a multitude of reasons. You can modify colors to increase contrast, highlight important elements, enable better keyboard navigation, and optimize the website for screen readers. This widget, powered by accessiBe, empowers individuals to customize their browsing experience according to their specific accessibility needs.

Are you interested in delving deeper into the world of accessibility? Feel free to reach out to us for more information or check out accessiBe‘s offerings!

Portfolio Update

Another significant update we’d like to share with you is our refreshed portfolio. We have invested considerable time in gathering imagery and case studies from our recent projects, and we are excited to showcase our latest work. This updated portfolio includes stunning logo designs and cutting-edge websites that we have had the pleasure of developing. If you want to explore our full portfolio, you can now do so.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with the outcome of this endeavor. However, as with any new project, we understand the importance of thorough testing in the live environment to ensure a seamless user experience. We will be diligently examining every nook and cranny of the website to identify and address any bugs that may have slipped through during the staging phase.

I want to express my gratitude for your continued support. Stay tuned for next week’s post, where I will be sharing more valuable insights. Until then, take care, and if you have any questions or wish to schedule a strategy session to discuss your graphic and web design needs, we would love to have a conversation with you!

“It’s dangerous to go alone!”

Luckily, launching a website in 14 days doesn’t have to be a solo mission. With our expert guidance, you’ll have a website that looks so good that even Zelda would be jealous.

Our team of web wizards has put together a manual to guide you through every step of the way and create a site that’s both functional and fabulous.

Get the piece of mind that your website is in top-notch health!

You know what you’re doing well in your business; now learn where your website needs improvement so you can do better!