Professional Design Services

About MoonSoar Services

Does this sound like you?

You’ve been in business for a while, and have products or services that you’re proud of. You’ve tried to design your website and printed materials yourself, but something just isn’t working – your marketing materials aren’t connecting with your clients, your website isn’t bringing in any revenue, or your competition has a much more appealing brand image to your target market.

Is this you? If so, you’re in the right place.

Who we are

Headshot of Courtney Wilson
Courtney Wilson
Headshot of John Craig
John Craig

We love working with small and medium sized businesses who understand that it takes more than a pretty design to convert visitors into customers. We partner with you to identify roadblocks and create results-oriented websites & marketing material, in order to increase sales, access new markets, and grow your brand.

Our process is crafted to suit your needs; we help you define the goals of all of your marketing materials, put a plan into place with achievable milestones to get results, and help you generate more revenue.

We don’t just build beautiful designs, we build focused websites and marketing materials which create value for your business.

We don’t do templated solutions; we understand that each business has different goals and needs. Whether you’re looking to generate more leads, launch a new campaign, or help support existing customers, we create a focused journey to get you the results that you’re looking for.

Founded by Courtney Wilson and John Craig, MoonSoar Services brings over 20 years of combined experience within the web design and graphic design industries. Our holistic approach combines elegant design and business acumen.

Courtney is a web designer and front-end developer with experience in print design, marketing, and SEO. She has a passion for web accessibility that led to leading a workshop at the BlissDom Canada about mobile websites. She holds a diploma in Graphic Design from Fanshawe College.

John’s background is in business analysis and project management. He has worked for national telecommunication carriers; he earned his Project Management Professional Certification from the University of Toronto and holds an Honours Bachelor of Commerce from McMaster University.

Get the piece of mind that your website is in top-notch health!

You know what you’re doing well in your business; now learn where your website needs improvement so you can do better!