Five Sites That Can Help Boost Your Local SEO

We’ve been looking at local SEO, ways we can improve local SEO onsite and how to set up a Google My Business page. Today, we’re going to look at five additional websites that you want to make sure that your company has a profile on that currently help businesses looking to support and enhance their local SEO efforts.

Adding your business to other websites will provide citations – your business’s name, address and phone number – that will help Google determine how to rank your company’s website. But please be sure that you always include your name, address and phone number in the same format for the best results!

Most of the sites that I’ve included are social networking sites; Google has mentioned in the past that social networks do play a factor in their ranking algorithms, so looking at these sources can be vital for your business.

1. Facebook

A Facebook page for your business is highly beneficial because not only does it allow you to add your name, address and phone number, but it also provides an additional avenue for you to connect with your target market. Search engines take into account things like Facebook likes, reviews, Create A Facebook Page.

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is often seen as a great source for B2B leads – depending on the industry you are in, including your name, address and phone number may also be influential in your Google rankings.* You can create your company on LinkedIn at LinkedIn Company Pages.

3. Yelp

Yelp differs in that it focuses on checkins and reviews. Online reviews often help with purchasing decisions, so once you’ve created your Yelp page, be sure to ask your client or customers to review you! You can create or claim a business listing at Yelp for Business Owners.

4. Bing

Bing is still one of the top search engines globally, so in the same way that creating a Google My Business page, creating a profile for your business on Bing can absolutely help you rank better. You can create your business profile on Bing Places for Business.

5. Your Local Chamber of Commerce Directory

Most Chamber of Commerce websites will have an online directory for their members; there is typically a cost to join your Chamber of Commerce, but often Chambers will have an additional number of services that you may find of benefit. Local directories, such as this one, will often help Google validate that your business is active in your community and is a legitimate business.

* Moz has a wonderful article showcasing some of the best places for citations depending on your industry.

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