Why You Need to Take Your Website Mobile and Your Customer Service to Social Media in 2018

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Two of the biggest trends in online business and branding are the huge move towards mobile and social media adoption. By the end of 2017, there will be over 5 billion smartphones on the planet, and most will be connected to social media. With so many consumers using their mobiles to research, buy and communicate, 2018 is the year you need to mobile-optimize your sites and integrate social media into your customer care. Here is why:

Customer Preference & Adoption

According to facts and statistics from Website builders, social media is now the most preferred way for a consumer to connect with a brand. 34.5% of people prefer social media for communication with a brand compared to 24.7% preferring live chat, 19.4% preferring email and only 16.1% preferring phone communication. Furthermore, over 90% of social media users have used social media to communicate to a brand before, and 63% of customers expect a company to offer customer service through social media.

4 out of 5 consumers use their smartphones to shop, and consumers are 37% more likely to purchase from a mobile-optimized site. With the average user spending more than 4 hours on their mobile device per day, it’s clear that mobile is preferred and adoption rates are near 100% of most sectors target market.

SMCC Works for Many Top brands

Some companies are ahead of the mobile and social media customer care (SMCC) trend and are seeing great results. KLM, Starbucks, and Acme Telecom have all begun using SMCC as a means to attract and retain the mobile user. Good SMCC practices can increase customer satisfaction rate by as much as 26.6% and is also used by Amazon, Tesco, Sephora, McDonald’s and much more corporate elite.

Increasing ROI & Decreasing Costs of Customer Care

Both SMCC and mobile optimization have positive effects on ROI and revenue while decreasing costs. Mobile users spend more on each order and more total per month than their desktop counterparts. Additionally, good SMCC practices push customers to spend 20-40% more on average.

When it comes to SMCC, the average customer issue costs one-sixth of the price to resolve in comparison to a call center interaction. SMCC agents are 167% more efficient, on average than their call center brethren. SMCC is also almost 63% cheaper than conventional phone support, which can be quite a large savings, based on support volume. Best-in-class customer care causes 81% greater annual increase in revenue from referrals and increases annual ROI by 30.7% on average.

These are just some of the benefits of embracing the mobile and social media revolution on behalf of your business or brand. Improved customer loyalty and retention, customer preference, immense market adoption and a better bottom line are as good a reason as any to take your website mobile and your customer service online to social media in 2018. With the mobile adoption and social media adoption still a growing sector, the future is looking, even more, mobile and social media relative. Adopting both into your organization is the smartest thing you can do right now to improve your website and brand.

Special thanks goes to Josh Wardini at WebsiteBuilder.org who provided us with this amazing infographic and text.

Special thanks goes to Josh Wardini at WebsiteBuilder.org who provided us with this amazing infographic and text.

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